Paris MoU 57th Committee meets in Madrid, Spain

The Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Paris MoU) held its 57th Committee meeting in Madrid, Spain from 6 to 10 May 2024. The meeting was formally opened by Mr. Benito Núñez Quintanilla, Secretary-General of Maritime and Air Transport, and chaired by Mr. Brian Hogan.
The Paris MoU Committee discussed the results of the Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Fire Safety, held from 1 September to 30 November 2023. Overall, compliance appeared to be satisfactory. The result was less favourable on two specific topics; maintenance of fire doors (9.3 % non-compliance) and performing fire drills (9.2% non-compliance). The Paris MoU expects the industry to give these issues the necessary attention.
Future CICs will cover Crew Wages and Seafarer Employment Agreements under MLC (2024), Ballast Water Management (2025) and Cargo Securing (2026).
During 2023, the Paris MoU conducted, on a trial basis, Focused Inspection Campaigns (FICs) aimed at improving the effectiveness of inspection campaigns. These focused inspections have now been carried out on Pilot Transfer Arrangements, Electronic Chart Display Information Systems (ECDIS) and on the Galley. The Paris MoU will continue to implement these FICs, announced and unannounced.
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