26th of October 2017

Paris MoU attending 7th IMO PSC Workshop
Group Photo

From 24 - 26 October 2017 the Paris MoU Chairman, Secretariat and database manager attend the Seventh IMO Workshop for PSC MoU/Agreement Secretaries and IMO Database Managers in London, United Kingdom.
Harmonization of procedures and improvement of port State control, Information exchange, Technical cooperation (TC) programmes training, including TC support and
new conventions requirements, as well as Issues related to the performances of flag Administrations and recognized organizations were discussed.
The Workshop was chaired by Dr. Vitaly Klyuev, with Ms. Carien Droppers being the Vice-Chair. All 9 regional MoUs/Agreements and the US Coast Guard were present.
Please read the published IMO briefing on the PSC Workshop 7 for more information