Results first month Maritime Labour Convention: 7 ships detained for MLC-related deficiencies

Results first month Maritime Labour Convention: 7 ships detained for MLC-related deficiencies
14 October 2013
On 20 August 2013 the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC, 2006) entered into force and became a relevant instrument for the Paris MoU. Thus making the MLC requirements officially subject to port State control. During the first month 7 ships were detained for MLC-related deficiencies. This means that 10% of the total number of detentions (68) in the Paris MoU area in this period was MLC, 2006 related.
The detentions were imposed by 4 different port States: Canada (2 ships), Denmark, the Russian Federation and Spain (3 ships). The detained ships were flying the flag of Cyprus (2 ships), Liberia, the Netherlands, Panama (2 ships) and Tanzania.
Other interesting figures during the month of MLC:
- A total of 4,260 deficiencies have been recorded;
- 494 deficiencies out of the 4,260 recorded (11.5%) were related to any of the ILO Conventions listed as relevant instrument;
- Of these 494, 30 (6,1%) were considered to be serious enough to be a ground for detention;
- 23 of those 30 (76,7%) were related to breaches of the MLC and resulted in the detention of 7 individual ships;
- The total number of detentions was 68 during 1,532 inspections, which resulted in a detention rate of 4,4%.
The MLC, 2006 applies to all ships engaged in commercial activities. International certification is required for all ships of 500GT and over, making international voyages. The requirements of the MLC, 2006 have to be implemented on board at the entry into force date 20 August 2013.
Only the member States of the Paris MoU who have ratified the MLC,2006 on or before 20 August 2012 are entitled to conduct PSC inspections on MLC, 2006 requirements from 20 August 2013. As a result the following twelve member States have started enforcing the MLC, 2006: Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the Russian Federation, Spain and Sweden.